Fundraising and Donations.
Welcome to our fundraising and donation page. Our staff are constantly working on fundraising events and collecting donations for our programming. Through these funds, our programs are enhanced to allow the children the very best experiences we can possibly offer. Thanks to our fundraising efforts and community donations, we have been able to purchase items like waterproof backpacks, water bottles, and neck warmers that are essential items for the children.
Below are a list of fundraising events that we have established for each calendar year. Please click on the event for more details.
Movie Nights
Indoor/outdoor movie for kids and a night out for parents! More info here.
Art Parts Bags
Bags/boxes of unique art materials - some new pieces and some found treasures from local businesses!
Book Sales
Ongoing Scholastic sales allow us to collect points to build up our library.
Growing Smiles
Beautiful spring plants and herbs to make your garden look extra special
Garage Sale
Spring cleanout for you equals a great garage sale for us.
Mabels Labels
Fun sticker labels, clothings stamps and much more!
Our popular Mom and Me Market has a variety of local vendors selling items for Mom and Kiddos!
Bottle Drive
Skip the sorting and donate your bottles to us at Amanda Enterprises.
Bus Advertising
Advertise your business on our bus. Show the community your support for Early Learning.
T-shirts, hats, sunglasses and more.
Puddle Kits
Fun sensory kits that contain playdough, sand or coloured rice. Each one with fun objects and tools to evoke your children’s curiosities and exploration.